Last month, Wheel of Fortune temporarily stopped filming new episodes because of coronavirus, however, the shows they taped before production was halted are still airing, and yesterday's had a very memorable contestant. Her name is Aurora De Lucia and she definitely made her time on the game show something she, and fans of Wheel, won't soon forget.
With her unique pig tails and her enthusiastic responses, she quickly established herself on the show. Then, she wound up on the Express wedge, which allowed her to speedily build up $7,500 dollars in one round. After she solved that puzzle, she flipped out with excitement. Unsure of how to react, host Pat Sajak said, "Wow, she's emoting right here on stage. Or molting. I'm not sure."
That clip in and of itself is enough to go viral, but that wasn't all that happened on the episode. Aurora wound up making it to the bonus round, though she was unable to solve the puzzle. When that happens, most people express some disappointment but are still pleased with their winnings from the earlier rounds. Aurora, however, went a different route, calling herself a "big loser" and saying how she hopes no one watches the show.
Aurora is definitely a character and plenty of people turned to Twitter to give their opinions of her:
Aurora, who wound up winning $22,980 on the show including a trip to Barbados, caught wind of the hate and tweeted, "Welp, reviews are in. Twitter hates me. Too bad I won’t be able to hear all this over the sounds of the waves crashing in Barbados." If you're interested, you can follow her here.
Photo: YouTube/WheelOfFortune